The Way of Jesus promotes critical thinking

Does The Way of Jesus promote critical thinking?

Yes, the teachings of Jesus promote critical thinking in several ways. Here are a few examples:

The Importance of Truth: Jesus’ Teaching on Seeking and Knowing Truth

Emphasizing the importance of truth: Jesus taught that truth is of utmost importance and that individuals should seek it out. He said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). This emphasis on truth-seeking encourages individuals to critically evaluate information and arguments, rather than blindly accepting what they are told. – More on truth can be found in this post: Truth in Progress

Encouraging Critical Thinking: Jesus’ Message of Challenging the Status Quo

Challenging the status quo: Jesus often challenged the prevailing beliefs and practices of his time, and encouraged his followers to do the same. For example, he criticized the religious leaders of his day for their hypocrisy and legalistic approach to religion (Matthew 23). This willingness to question the status quo and to challenge conventional wisdom encourages individuals to engage in critical thinking and to question prevailing beliefs and practices.

Promoting compassion and justice: Jesus’ teachings on compassion and justice

Encouraging compassion and justice: Jesus emphasized the importance of compassion and justice, and taught that these values should guide individual and societal behavior. For example, he said, “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40). This emphasis on compassion and justice requires individuals to critically evaluate their beliefs and practices in light of their impact on others, and to make well-informed decisions that promote the common good.

Embracing diversity and inclusion: Jesus’ message of acceptance

Valuing diversity and inclusion: Jesus welcomed people from all walks of life, regardless of their background or status, and valued diversity and inclusion. For example, he accepted and ministered to individuals who were considered outcasts or sinners by the religious leaders of his day (Luke 15). This emphasis on diversity and inclusion encourages individuals to engage with different perspectives and to consider the experiences and beliefs of others.

Teachings of Jesus: Promoting Critical Thinking with Truth, Challenging the Status Quo, Compassion, Justice, and Valuing Diversity.

The teachings of Jesus can be seen as promoting critical thinking by emphasizing the importance of truth, challenging the status quo, encouraging compassion and justice, and valuing diversity and inclusion. These values encourage individuals to critically evaluate their beliefs and practices, and to make well-informed decisions that are grounded in compassion and justice.

Marshall D. Thomas

Marshall D Thomas is a Cis/Het man of strong faith, respected speaker, licensed preacher, and author. He gives talks on topics surrounding pastoring, parenting, and the LGBTQIA+ community. He is also involved in preaching the Progressive Christian message. The author is a fire department chaplain and has previously been a police chaplain. Marshall also received his license to preach from a southern Baptist church. His 2021 Father’s Day message can be viewed here - He loves to read. During his free time, he indulges in the game of Dungeons & Dragons, usually as the Dungeon Master, anime, or anything sci-fi.