Posts in this category explore progressive interpretations of Christian scripture and doctrine, as well as the role of social justice in Christian thought. Engage in critical reflection on traditional Christian beliefs and discover new ways to deepen your faith and put it into practice. At its core, progressive theology is grounded in values of social justice, inclusivity, and compassion, and seeks to expand and deepen our understanding of God, humanity, and the world around us. Explore themes such as liberation and social justice, including racial justice, economic inequality, LGBTQ+ rights, and environmental stewardship. Discover new ways of understanding Christian teachings, including feminist theology, queer theology, and process theology, which challenge traditional understandings of the faith and offer new insights into the nature of God and humanity. This category is a space for engaging with Christian faith in new and innovative ways, and for exploring the richness and diversity of the Christian tradition. Join us on this journey of discovery and exploration, and discover new ways to live out Christian values in the modern world.

Progressive Christian view on Jesus-focused vs scripture-focused biblical interpretation

Understanding a Christ-Centered Worldview A Christ-centered worldview represents a philosophical and theological framework that derives its perspectives on reality, ethics, knowledge, and meaning from the life and teachings of Jesus…

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Progressive Christian Ash Wednesday

Learn about the history and meaning of Ash Wednesday, including the origins of the practice of receiving ashes as a symbol of repentance and the ways in which progressive Christians are reimagining the holiday as a time of reflection and commitment to justice. Discover the various scholarly perspectives on the significance of the day, and understand why some Christian denominations do not observe it. Whether or not you receive ashes, Ash Wednesday is an important time for reflection on our own mortality, sinfulness, and commitment to living more fully into the image of Christ.

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